Tristâme’s new charity EP for Syrian refugees

Les compartimos el email de Rami sobre el lanzamiento de «Common Ground»:

Dear friends,

I hope this e-mail finds you well. I’m writing to let you know that today marks the release of Tristâme’s new charity EP, Common Ground. For the past few months, the images of what’s going on in Syria have influenced and motivated me to do something. The music has themes related to Syria, the past, the present and hope for the future. 100% of all proceeds will go to organizations helping Syrian refugees. 
Although this is a very modest step, I hope that, through your help, it will raise awareness about the situation in Syria and ultimately raise funds for Syrian refugees. A lot of people have put so much effort into this project, and I’m very grateful for them. I hope that you could add to that collective effort and help us to spread the word about this project and about the plight of Syrian refugees.
You can listen to the music and read more about the project here:
The EP is available digitally worldwide at various stores, including:
With love and appreciation,
Otros sitios en donde se pueden enviar donaciones, firmar peticiones y conocer más sobre este tema:
Gracias por ayudarnos a difundir este proyecto.